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AICC vs scorm: how to choose the best

In the world of online learning, AICC and SCORM standards are used to create, share and follow online learning lessons within learning systems of your choice. They are both used to guarantee interoperability and provide compatible educational content. However, they will each be more suitable for specific requirements and therefore cannot really be used for the same objectives.

In this guide, we examine the AICC VS Scorm debate, exploring their history, their strengths, their weaknesses and the main differences between AICC and SCORM to help you compare both and make an informed decision. At the end, you will know which standard best corresponds to the online learning needs of your organization.

Key points to remember

AICC focuses on the simplicity and accommodation of external content, which makes it suitable for existing systems and sectors such as aviation, while SCORM excels in interoperability and detailed monitoring in various LMS platforms. SCORM’s compatibility with multimedia and interactivity offers a richer learning experience, but it requires accommodation of content within the LMS and more technical expertise for implementation. Although SCORM remains widely used, more recent technologies such as XAPI appear as privileged choices for advanced monitoring and broader integration of the learning experience.

What is AICC?

AICC-Aviation Industry CBT (Computer-Based Training) Committee is one of the very first standards used in e-learning. It was initially developed in the early 1990s for aeronautical training, then used for the first web -based training protocols.

The AICC standard played a crucial role in the development of the first protocols of Online learning and the interoperability of online learning. Since then, AICC online learning protocols have evolved and have been taken up by other sectors, because AICC is simple to use and can be easily connected to many LMS solutions.

How does AICC work?

AICC works via HTTP messages that communicate between your learning management systems supported by AICC (via AICC compliance in LMS) and your training media.

Unlike SCORM, which generally requires that all the learning content is hosted in the LMS, AICC allows you to keep the learning equipment for the course on any external server. This configuration uses HACP (HTTP AICC Communication Protocol), allowing the AICC LMS to send and receive data on the progression of the learner, the completion of the courses and the scores.

AICC benefits

AICC is easy to implement because minimum technical expertise is necessary. You can host your contents on external servers if it is easier to manage it in this way for your organization. Since it was initially designed for aviation, there remains a standard of trust in this area. It works well with older systems if you always use inherited technology.

Disadvantages of AICC

AICC does not offer advanced follow -up and interactivity options as are other standards. It is fully based on older protocols and is delivered with minimal updates that tend to make it less popular compared to other online learning standards. It is considered an obsolete norm. Its industrial applicability is limited because it has been personalized for the aeronautical industry.

What is Scorm?

Scorme (Shareable Content Object Reference Model) is one of the most popular online learning standards and focuses on content packaging and interoperability on several LMS platforms. Scorm has several versions, with Scorm 1.2 and Scorm 2004 being the most widely used.

How does Scorm work?

SCORM groups together the content in a zip file format called scorm or content package. These bring together all the necessary resources, such as HTML, JavaScript and Multimedia files. When downloaded in an LMS, SCORM allows you to follow the interactions, progress and results of learners’ quiz.

💁 Using a Creation tool Simplifies the digital content packaging process in formats that comply with SCORM.

Benefits of Scorm

SCORM allows you to more easily follow the progress of learners, completion rates, time spent, the results of the quizs and similar measures. The standard supports multimedia and interactive elements, so it is a good option if you want to improve learners’ commitment. SCORM is compatible with most modern LMS platforms, which means you should have no problem implementing it. SCORM packages provide reusable online learning courses that operates on different LMS platforms without modification, thus guaranteeing interoperability.

Disadvantages of Scorm

Although it is still widely used, like AICC, SCORM is not based on the latest technologies, so other standards like xapi – which uses a learning record store for advanced follow -up and steals the show with better monitoring and reporting capacities. The creation of content that conforms to SCORM often requires technical expertise and specialized skills. Creation tools. SCORM strongly depends on your LMS because it is here that you will host your content.

AICC vs scorm: the main differences

To determine the solution best suited to your own online learning content needs, it is essential to understand the main differences between AICC and SCORM. You will find below a detailed comparison of the AICC and SCORM standards:

AICC SCORM OBJECTIVE functionality designed for advanced interoperability aeronautical training online learning communication messages based on HTTP monitoring integrated API monitoring of LMS monitoring monitoring of the progress of the course detailed by progress, scores and time interactivity minimum interactivity In charge of multimedia files, quiz and flexibility interactivity works with external content accommodation The content must be hosted in the LMS adoption limited to niche sectors adopted in various relevant relevance industries due to largely used obsolete protocols, but Threatened due to emerging standards AICC SCORM Objective functionality designed for advanced interoperability aeronautical training communication communication messages based on HTTP followed API Integrated in LMS monitoring monitoring of the progress of the course detailed course of progress, scores and From time interactivity minimum interactivity supports multimedia files, quiz and flexibility interactivity works with external users content accommodation The content must be hosted in the LMS adoption limited to niche sectors adopted in various relevant relevance industries reason for obsolete protocols widely used, but threatened due to emerging standards

Although AICC is of historical importance, especially in the area of ​​aviation, its relevance decreases due to obsolete protocols. SCORM, on the other hand, remains the industrial standard in terms of online learning interoperability, but is faced with the challenges of emerging technologies such as XAPI.

Understanding how the online learning content interacts with LMS platforms via these standards is crucial for effective implementation of Elearning.

In any case, your choice between SCORM and AICC in terms of training systems must align with the current and future online learning objectives of your organization.

Final reflections

So when to choose each of them?

AICC remains a good option if you work in the aeronautical, spatial or manufacturing sector, where the AICC is largely supported and always reliable. It is important to remember that this requires accommodating content on external servers for centralized management. You will therefore have to search for a complementary solution for this.

SCORM is ideal for any organization (whatever its sector of activity) which requires advanced monitoring of performance data and reporting capacities. It is also an excellent addition if you plan to use interactive and multimedia content for your training programs. Compliance with these standards ensures that your online courses are compatible with various LMS platforms.

Ready to improve your learning experience? Choose an LMS compliant with Scorm To unlock a faster lesson service, better data security and advanced monitoring.


Is Scorm obsolete?

Scorm is always relevant and widely used. However, the most recent standards, such as XAPI (Tin Can), offer more advanced monitoring and flexibility, which makes them better suited to modern online learning needs. SCORM is ideal if you want to guarantee that your Elearning course easily integrates with an LMS and ensures the follow -up of successes and scores.

What is the difference between Scorm and AICC?

SCORM uses an API based on JavaScript to allow real -time communication between LMS and content, allowing detailed monitoring of learners’ interactions and progress. On the other hand, AICC uses a communication based on HTTP via URL queries, allowing content to be hosted externally but offering more limited monitoring capacities compared to SCORM. The two standards play a crucial role in the way in which a learning management system interacts with online learning content.

What does AICC mean in LMS?

AICC means aviation Industry CBT (Computer-Based Training) Committee, which developed the first standards for online learning in the aviation sector. Its Elearning specification operates with an LMS using HTTP -based communication, where the LMS sends and receives data via URL queries to follow the learner’s progress and manage the external elearning content.

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Alexandra side

Alexandra Cote is a specialist in SaaS growth marketing and an online trainer who worked with dozens of brands in the Martech, HR and productivity fields. She is also a fervent supporter of happiness at work and the choice of a healthy career path.

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